I was looking through my iphoto and realized that I have so many pictures of our 3 cats. We have 3 cats and 1 dog in a not super big place. Luckily we have enough room for them to all run around, but sometimes it's like we live in a zoo!! I thought that I would share some of my funny pics of my kitties, there may be a dog thrown in there somewhere. Enjoy!
This is Cleo, she is quite the fitness buff!
Philip is quite Handy in the Kitchen...
Cleo is trying to help with the dishes, she does well at saving the sink for me!
Now this picture is just kind of creepy and sad at how many cats we have...
Awww, Philip you got me a pretty rose!! (He looks bashful..)
Smitty is our expert napper, he enjoys sleeping just about anywhere...
Philip likes to live on the edge...
For some reason Philip decided he wanted to go into the dog cage...
Cleo gets bored quickly...
I think Philip thinks he's smaller than he really is...
Cleo has a slight obsession with plastic bags...
I wonder what he's thinking...